My Plans for the Next Tapestry
This past week I have been happily drawing trees and finally came up with a design that I really want to weave. I had it at 12x8" and it was just screaming out to be larger. As I experimented with several sizes, it is ending up to be doubled at 16 x 24" which is quite a large tapestry for me. It would have been weavable at the small size but it will be a lot more impressive and dramatic at the larger size. And I know, that isn't really THAT large compared to what a lot of tapestry weavers do. Now the cartoon is finished but I'm still working out a way to do the background before I warp the loom.
The warp will be Davidson's mill wool set at 8 epi which is my standard sett. I have a lot of handspun yarn that works with this sett so it is nice to have such a great color selection on hand. I don't experiment with setts and yarns that much anymore because this works for me and I can easily spin a new color if I need it and have it all go together. The part that I keep working on is the designing so it is nice to have some givens and not always experimenting with everything at the same time. My loom for this one will be a 32" Mirrix. I'll probably warp it on Monday. This is exciting for me because it was a totally different direction than I had planned but it just worked out like that.
Spring has finally come to Montana and it is just beautiful. Tomorrow we are going on our first hike of the season and I can't wait to get out in the mountains. I'm sure the trails are still icy in spots and muddy everywhere else but I don't care.