My Babies
My herb seeds are coming up! No matter that it is snowing outside...spring is on the way. So far I have basil, chives and parsley popping up. I'm waiting for 2 kinds of hot peppers to appear. We are looking for a place to buy but still haven't found anything so we might have a porch or patio or balcony, no idea, but will still have my herbs and hens and chicks somewhere. Several pots of hens and chicks moved with us last summer and have done well so far. They were in the garage for part of the winter but now they are by the big windows in the bedroom and look a lot happier.
I've done a lot of spinning lately with all those beautiful dyed batts around but I have started weaving too, and I'm working on a tapestry of a sunset over the Tobacco Root mountains. It was so beautiful with the clouds and sun peeping through that I ran for my sketchbook and colored pencils and drew it quickly. You can't waste time with the sky around here because it all changes so quickly, especially when the sun is setting. I had this warp on my Mirrix loom and wove one tapestry on it and there is enough for this one and another one but they are all small. I think that I'm going to weave some background fabric to mount all three on for a better effect than just these tiny tapestries by themselves.
Last Saturday, I found a new yarn store in Bozeman that I didn't know was there. I saw it advertised in one of the little papers that are free and so we went and checked it out. It's called Stix and I don't know if it's new or has always been there but it is in a basement downtown and there isn't a sign outside so it's not very obvious. However, it had some of the most beautiful, high end yarns that I have ever seen. I didn't end up buying anything but now that I've had some chance to think about how to use some of the yarns, I think I could do better next time. The first time there was just overwhelming and yarns are all for knitting so I had to think about how I could use some of them for weaving. This is the first time I have ever lived so close to 2 nice yarn stores.
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